Is the Ritual Cancelled???
page last updated 12/31/2021
Upcoming ritual(s) and event(s) are:
Full Moon(s)2021:No events scheduled yet.
Sabbat(s):No events scheduled yet.
**Weather-related closures: ESP rituals at rented facilities --
Celebration Community room - If the weather is extreme and/or dangerous for travel, then events will be cancelled.
IF a ritual or event is cancelled, ESP will do the following:
1. We will try to post a sign at the ritual location (when possible).
2. An email announcing the cancellation will be sent out to the ESP
members and the Calendar email list.
3. A message will be posted here on the website, and Facebook page.
4. Backup plans (if any) for the ritual will be related on the website, Facebook, and in
the email.